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Lay Leaders

Church Council


As the representative governing body, the Church Council is elected by the congregation at its Annual Meeting. There are nine members — three are elected annually for a three-year term. They meet on a monthly basis to delegate and oversee the workings and ministries of the church. The week-to-week running of the church is done by the Ministry Teams and Administrative Committees. All Ministry Teams and Administrative Committees report to the Council.


The Council is guided by the President, VP of Ministries, VP of Administration, Secretary, as well as the Church Treasurer and the Pastor.

Worship Team


Worship is about making our Sunday Celebrations and other services more compelling, meaningful, and accessible, not just to those of us who are already a part of the congregation, but also those people God wants us to welcome.

Mission and Social Action Team


Our Mission Team is now called the Mission and Social Action Team. The Mission and Social Action Team works to make our church's service central in our life together. In other words, why we are a church and what God expects us to accomplish. Here we live out being the hands and feet of Christ to create positive social change and work for peace with justice.



Discipleship Team


Discipleship is about those things which contribute to our personal Christian growth and journey and what we do to help others (children, youth, adults) begin and/or continue their own faith journey.


Generosity Team


Generosity is about expanding our experience and expression of our thanksgiving and developing grateful hearts. In so doing we become more generous of our time, talents, and treasures, using them to point to our most generous God who gave and continues to give love and saving grace.

Teams meet once a month in a unified setting. In this way we are able to check with each other for planning effective ministry and events.

Meeting Times




Church and Ministry Committee

The Church and Ministry Committee manages the membership rolls, awards the St. James and Riefler Scholarships, administers regular reviews of the Pastor, and seeks to maintain connection with active and inactive members.

Property Committee

The Property Committee oversees and maintains the upkeep of all of the church properties.


Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee works with the Pastor to oversee, evaluate, and liaison with the paid staff of​ St. James UCC. They also update job descriptions, employment policy manuals, and suggest pay raises.

Legacy Committee

The Legacy Committee meets to distribute funds for special requests, mission projects, and charitable causes.

Budget and Finance Committee

This committee with the treasurer as its Chair, oversees the finances of the church, monitors the budget throughout the year, and proposes a new budget each year for congregational approval at the Annual Meeting.

Audit and Nominating Committees

The Nominating Committee meets in the fall and both committees meet prior to the Annual Meeting.

Pastoral Relations Committee

Committee meets quarterly.

© 2025 Saint James United Church of Christ.

76 Main St. • Hamburg, NY 14075 • Contact us

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