Creation Justice
We're a Creation Justice congregation

Learn more about the call for prophetic action today.
We have the power to bring about the change the world needs now.
On April 16, 2023, the Church Council of St. James UCC unanimously empowered our church's Mission and Social Action Team to begin the process of our becoming a Creation Justice church and educating ourselves about the steps and actions that will be involved. "Creation Justice" is a UCC designation for congregations that have made a commitment to care for God's creation.
(Click here to learn more about the Creation Justice Churches program in the United Church of Christ.)
Our Mission and Social Action Team drafted this proposed Creation Justice Covenant and it received the blessing of our Church Council. It was then approved unanimously at our Annual Congregational Meeting on February 9, 2025.
St. James United Church of Christ affirms the gifts of God's creation, our connection to God, and our responsibilities to one another. As a congregation and as individuals, we are committed to care for creation and recognize how past and current abuse of this gift has caused suffering and intensified human division and inequity. Human actions have inflicted damage to our climate and to the quality of life for all living things dependent upon Earth's diverse gifts and sustenance. We commit ourselves with an urgent sense of calling to confront current and future detriment to our climate and creation. We desire that this deeply felt commitment be reflected in all dimensions of our congregation's life and beyond the walls of the church. We will do this work in service to all God's children, to God our Creator, to Jesus the Redeemer of Creation, and to the Holy Spirit the Sustainer of Creation.​

A cup of caring for God's creation
As a part of our Creation Justice Church journey, we're always "going green" for our after-church coffee and fellowship time.
Our Fellowship Team and Mission and Social Action Team have encouraged members and friends of St. James UCC to bring a mug from home to use during our after-church coffee hour. There is a designated place in the Horton Lounge where they can be kept. (We also have some church kitchen coffee mugs available in the Horton Lounge.) We no longer use plastic cups and utensils. Of course, styrofoam is never used.

Green cleaning products
St. James UCC employs a wonderful janitorial service that exclusively uses Green Seal certified environmentally-friendly cleaning products.
Recycled paper products
We use 100% recycled paper for our church bulletins and for everyday use in the Church Office. We have also switched to recycled paper products for use in our restrooms and kitchen areas.
Updated lighting
We replaced all of our lighting fixtures throughout our facilities to have only LED lighting.

Plates, cups, and utensils
We eliminated the use of plastic cups, plates, and utensils, and we are focusing on using reusable ones (regular dishes and silverware), as well as cups, plates, and utensils made out of biodegradable materials.